And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. (Romans 13:11-12)
It's been a little hard to settle on a comment for these verses. The first verse is so often quoted, and it seems to be almost as platitudinous as the way it's used. Our salvation is always nearer than when we first believed, because that's how time works. Or is it saying Jesus is bring salvation sooner than we expected, that's more insightful but not specific. Jesus hasn't come yet, and those who sleep still sleep, so how close was salvation in Paul's day? But of course it is closer now than it was then, so that's... comforting?
But what if we focus on the point of the first verse. It's time for us to rouse ourselves. That's relevant, and still true. The next verse should be quoted more often than the first: the day is at hand, put on the armour of light. We are being called to arms. To long we have sat on our proverbial armchairs wondering idly when Jesus would return, but in every age salvation comes as well as in the last age, and in every age there is a time of darkness and conflict which we must prepare for by putting on the armour of God.
Breastplate, which saves your life from unforeseen dangers in the worst situations, is righteousness.
Shield, which you actively use as your first line of defence, is faith, we need to use it actively...
Helm, which completes the protection of the shield as your first line of passive defence, against unforeseen dangers, is salvation by grace in Jesus Christ.
Belt, which holds everything together and protects your most sensitive parts and might even save your life, possibly, is truth.
Shoes, which allow you to move quickly but also to stand fast by your fellow soldiers and to win ground for your commander, are an intentional study of how to share the gospel.
Sword, which is small and often underestimated, as much a weapon of defence as attack, but deadly to the enemy in the right hands, is the Holy Spirit and the Word, working in harmony to break spiritual bonds.
We have work to do. A work of discipline and encouragement for those who are ready listeners. This is a great and urgent work. Will you fight for the eternal light?