Monday, 7 May 2012

Jesus; the Supreme Ruler

But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God; Hebrews 10:12
Based on Hebrews 10:11-14

When Hebrews was written, human priests gave offerings every day that could not save from sin. But the human being Jesus Christ made one sacrifice culminating on the cross, which was great enough to save all other human beings  from all sins for all time. Then Jesus came to life again and left Earth to resume his place as the all powerful executive of the universe. Jesus is waiting in that location for the time when he will assert his rightful authority against those who hate him. This time will come when Jesus has completed his work to develop a group of people to be like him in character.

Jesus who is God the Son has become completely and irreversibly human, and yet Jesus has not lost His character and identity as Lord and God. Jesus' one sacrifice saves from sin forever, perfects and sanctifies people; and Jesus is with the Father and has the Father's power. Jesus is waiting for the time when he can free his friends from the oppression of his enemies.

Why not trust in the supreme power of Jesus the Lord and become his friend right now?

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